How do I know if I’ve got woodworm?

Of course, if you think you might have woodworm, the first thing to do is contact a specialist like Multiskill. They will be able to quickly identify the problem and recommend the best course of treatment. However, what are the telltale signs that you may have a woodworm infestation in your home? And is it necessarily a cause for concern?

The telltale signs of woodworm

The first thing to look out for is small, round exit holes, similar in size to those made on a darts board. They holes really are small, so you will need a keen eye to identify all the areas affected!

You may also be able to spot fine, powdery dust around the exit holes (know as frass). Even if you can’t see any holes, you may still be able to spot frass underneath or around furniture.

Crumbly edges around floorboards or joists are another telltale sign that you have a problem. This may represent multiple woodworm exit holes. Also look out for weakened or damaged floorboards or timber – this may mean dry rot or wet rot, but it may also indicate a woodworm issue.

Can you see beetles emerging from holes or around timber? You’ve guessed it – this is a surefire sign you have a woodworm problem! You may also be able to spot dead beetles close to furniture.

woodworm signs

Are all these signs a cause for concern?

Not all of the issues detailed above necessarily mean you have a live woodworm infestation. Tiny holes and powdery dust may mean you had woodworm problem in the past, but activity has long been dormant. Damaged or crumbly timber may mean wet or dry rot, which would require a different treatment.

If you’re concerned about woodworm, the best thing to do is call a specialist. They will quickly assess the problem and recommend the appropriate solution. Multiskill offers a free assessment and no obligation quotation. Contact Multiskill today and get advice from the specialists in woodworm and timber rot in the Yorkshire area.